Grandmothers of Jesus
This is short 4 part Advent devotional centering on the grandmothers of Jesus, the women listed in his genealogy in Matthew 1. Download Here.
Advent in Action
This family friendly Advent devotional has 12 lessons and activities for you to enjoy. They are designed to help you focus your heart, mind, and body on the coming of Jesus into the world. Download Here.
God With Us - 2023
This Advent season, spend time in Scripture reading about God’s desire to be with his people. From Genesis to Revelation God’s presence is with his people in different ways, both seen and unseen. But at the incarnation we see the first fruits of God’s presence with us in a new way – forever. This devotional contains a reading and “Food for Thought” questions for each Sunday in Advent. There are shorter readings for each day of the week until Christmas Eve. At the end you will find four Scripture/coloring pages. If you are doing this devotional with kids (or adults!) these are a great way to memorize Scripture. Color them and hang them in your home. Enjoy! Download Here.
Signs of the Kingdom - 2021
Refocus your heart and mind on the King of Kings this Advent season. This devotional contains short daily Scripture readings for the season of Advent along with reflection questions. There is also a weekly rock painting activity as a hands-on reminder for both adults and children that we are still waiting for our rock and our redeemer to make all things new. This is a great devotional for both individuals and families. Take time this Advent season to reset and refresh. Download Here.
Ash Wednesday at Home - 2021
Celebrate Ash Wednesday at home with this FREE resource. This can be used on your own or with children. It includes directions for making ashes, prayers, and words to say to children to help them understand Ash Wednesday and what you are doing together. Download Here.
Weekly Word, Lent Devotional - 2021
This devotional has one word for each week of Lent. There is a brief definition and reflection on each word, and daily readings related to the word of the week. All of the verses are also listed in a Daily Reading Chart for you to print. At the end of the devotional you will find a coloring page for each word. This is a great way to involve children, but adults like to color too! Print the coloring pages each week, and post them somewhere to remind you of the weekly word. Download Here.
Dinner Devotions, Advent 2020
2020 has been… well…
Each week contains a memory verse, discussion/reflection questions for each weekday, and a short prayer to repeat throughout your week. These short devotions are designed to help you set apart time during this already complicated season. Download Here.
Lenten Family Devotional - 2019
Are you looking for a devotional to do with your family during lent, or to share with the families in your church? Here is a FREE DOWNLOAD for you. There are 7 devotionals, 1 for Ash Wednesday, and 1 for each Sunday in Lent. Each contains a Scripture reading, discussion questions, a prayer, and an activity to do with your kids during the week. Enjoy, and share with your friends. Download Here.